Have you ever looked up at a decaying but characterful old building in North East Lincs and thought "that should be restored"?
Do you get annoyed by badly designed buildings dumped unsympathetically next to good architecture?
Are there areas near you crying out for regeneration that seem to be ignored by planners and developers?
If the answer to these questions is yes then you've found the right people!
Grimsby, Cleethorpes & District Civic Society is a registered charity, which provides an independent voice in matters regarding planning, architecture and the preservation of built heritage.
NEWSLETTERS 4 per year
documents with a Civic Scoiety emphasis
A Brief History of the Civc Movement (2014, Civic Voice) A_Brief_History_LowRes.pdf click here to purchase: Printed version from Civic Voice website
University of GlasgowResearch publication by Hewitt, L.E. (2012) associational-culture-and-the-shaping-of-urban-space-civic-societies-in-britain-before-1960 1.pdf
North East Lincs Heritage
North East Lincolnshire is highly underrated! Unfortunately it hasn't always helped itself - many visitors struggle to believe that this area is in fact at least 1000 years old when confronted by vast areas of residential and industrial sprawl. However, anyone who takes the time to explore the area properly is always delighted to find fantastic Saxon, Norman Medieval, Georgian, Victorian and 20th Century architecture sprinkled throughout.
North East Lincolnshire is highly underrated! Unfortunately it hasn't always helped itself - many visitors struggle to believe that this area is in fact at least 1000 years old when confronted by vast areas of residential and industrial sprawl. However, anyone who takes the time to explore the area properly is always delighted to find fantastic Saxon, Norman Medieval, Georgian, Victorian and 20th Century architecture sprinkled throughout.
We aim to protect these gems making them the inspiration and centrepieces for future developments. This doesn't mean pickling them in aspic or turning them all into museums - we believe in renovation and re-use as one of the best means of preservation.
This approach would be taken as read in almost every other town or city in Britain but this does not seem to have been absorbed into the culture of planning in North East Lincs. Instead we have an attitude where older buildings are either sidelined or treated as a 'problem' rather than an asset that could be restored and (crucially) re-used.
If you know of a historical artifact (from somewhere in NEL) which you are concerned about its whereabouts or think we should investigate its condition then please alert us by using our Register of Artifact form and forward to Executive Committee:
A link to NE Lincs' Heritage and Conservation Reports and articles https://www.nelincs.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/heritage-and-conservation/
The following is a booklet produced by GCDCS and availble to buy for £2.50 (inc pp) apply via or printable :
GRIMSBY Charters and Civic history A4.pdf print as A4 document, double or single sided
GRIMSBY Charters and Civic history BOOKLET.pdf print instructions if you can print double sided: in your printer App click: 'print both sides, flip pages on short edge' plus '2 pages per sheet'' to produce A5 booklet
NELC website 'Heritage and conservation' documents
S.J.Richards Nov. 2023 for the Grimsby & Cleethorpes branch of teh Watkin Society Cleethorpes Prosperous resort MSLR Watkin Clee and Gy Group.pdf
Regeneration is vital to the prosperity of our area.
Regeneration is vital to the prosperity of our area.
Grimsby, Cleethorpes & District Civic Society calls for a fresh approach to regeneration which stresses quality and ensures that new buildings do not detract from the existing heritage of the area. We believe failure in this regard will lead to the current generation of new buildings being seen in a similar light to the failures of the 1960s and 1970s.
Items of Interest
Articles and research with a local flavour (or relevance) - GCDCS members are invited to add theior own articles (subject to approval)
Grimsby Deep Sea Trawlers independant websire listing trawlers that sailed out of Grimsby between 1876 and 1976
2012-Corporation-Bridge-Heritage-Impact-Assessment.pdf (Grover Lewis Associates for North East Lincolnshire Council)
An Assessment of the Historic England Archive Aerial Photographs; Historic England; 2019 Grimsby Heritage Action Zone: An Assessment of the Historic England Archive Aerial Photographs
Author(s): Matthew Oakey; Published 08 January 2020
Author(s): Matthew Oakey; Published 08 January 2020
http://www.vanel.org.uk/cleecops/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/The-Book-complete-10june19.pdf LAW AND ORDER IN BYGONE CLEETHORPES Exploring the history of Policing in Cleethorpes since 1799. A community project led by Blue Lights Brigade volunteers at Voluntary Action North East Lincolnshire (VANEL) and funded by the Big Lottery Heritage Fund Research by Doreen M Tyson
A very interesting website of, amongst other things Republications of Books (mostly antiquarian, earth mysteries and out of copyright books including GRIMSBY AND CLEETHORPES) and Family pages (Behrend and Thickett families of Grimsby and Cleethorpes)
Cleethorpes Modern TimesWatson.pdf transcript from 1901
Cleethorpes with Thrunscoe section V. Modern Times Michael Behran website: C. Ernest Watson, A History of Clee and the Thorpes of Clee (1901)
A link to English place name society's book on Grimsby and Cleethorpes' place names https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/research/groups/epns/documents/coates-citynames-grimsby.pdf
NE Lincs' Local List of Historic Assets of Special Interest An extension of the Historic Environment Record (HER) for North East Lincolnshire Great Grimsby ; 2015 with updates; NELC / ENGIE Local_List_of_Historic_Assets_of_Special_Interest_NELC_227_pages.pdf
The following documents are from Historic England (historicengland.org.uk ) raising awareness about Public Art: