Chair's Report
In the year under review, the Civic Society has continued to operate in various areas.
The Planning Group continues to meet, to discuss and study planning applications, and to make appropriate comments to NELC Planning Committee.
The Executive invited NELC Chief Executive, Rob Walsh, to answer questions prepared by members of the committee at our January meeting. Other invited speakers have included a representative of Sector Support, who along with VANEL, we have sought advice around issues such as funding and recruitment of new committee members as well as discussions about how to attract new members to the Society. We also tried to organise a meeting with a reporter from Grimsby Telegraph to discuss their “Stop The Rot” Campaign, but that meeting didn't materialise, and now that reporter has left the area.
The Website content is updated regularly, and has received positive comments from various sources. However, we continue to seek ways in which we can make it more relevant to members as well as attract visitors – in the hope that they will become members.
I continue to attend meetings of Yorkshire & Humberside Association of Civic Societies(YHACS). Attending these events helps us to promote our society to a wider audience, and to pick up ideas for projects!
We have had another year of public talks, covering a wide range of subjects, sustainable power, historical crime, heritage & fishing, and they continue to attract a regular audience, but we will always welcome new audience members. Unfortunately, our planned Annual Trip to East Kirby and Tattershall had to be cancelled because of low numbers. Future visits are likely to be by car - share as opposed to pre-booked coach - and therefore more responsive to numbers as well as cheaper!
After a meeting with Jenny Cartwright of Lincs Inspire, GC&DCS are now partners in the project, "Streets & Their Stories"
.Last year’s AGM saw Anne Turner hand over the role of Programme Secretary to Pete Milsom who’s role is only coming into fruition this coming year – due to the planning involved; we thank Ann for all her hard work in previous years.
Discussions on which direction to take in respect of commissioning Plaques etc, have continued through the year, but with a relatively small committee it is difficult to accommodate all that we would like to do.
We continue to have representation at the Annual Litter Pick, and Freshney Clean-up days, as part of our push to be more visible in the community via links with other organisations and promote the role of civic society in meeting with NELC and business representatives whether that be at Executive Committee level or via our promoted Talks programme.
In the past year, the EC has deliberated over The (Charity) Code of Governance, a measure of where we think we are regarding the administration of GC&DCS. We have recently changed the priority of Section1.3,”Committee Membership is refreshed regularly” from 1,a priority need to a 3,ongoing because of the small number of committee members .
We have recently had a change of Membership Secretary; Jill Smith taking over from Teresa Bassett. The Executive thanks Teresa for her work over the years in dealing with membership issues. Membership has stood at £15 per year for a couple of years now, but a very few DD's and SO's have not been changed despite letters sent to that effect and the EC has therefore made appropriate contact to inform these £10 & £5 payments from “members” will be considered as donations rather than subscriptions. A challenge for the Society is to increase our membership, and to encourage an interest among younger people. The EC intends to have a Society presence at such as Heritage Open Days and other events to encourage new members – manpower permitting! We welcome any further suggestions to increase membership!
Alan Nicholson, May 2019
Post AGM musical entertainment by folk and acoustic duo Roger Beard and Richard Papps
Chairman Alan Nicholson (centre) with Richard and Roger