Harold Gosney the “Irresistible Urge to Create” an extremely successful GCDCS event in September!
Many people joined us for the world premiere of the specially commissioned film showing at Grimsby Minster on 27th September.
Grimsby, Cleethorpes and District Civic Society’s Heritage sub-group sourced funding to restore Harold Gosney's iconic Family Group sculpture. Commissioned in early 1960’s for Immingham’s Kennedy Way shopping Centre, it was unfortunately removed in a process of ‘renewal’ and languished for many years ‘in storage’ before being restored last year and finally relocated at Immingham’s Oasis Academy. Irresistible Urge to Create is the specially commissioned film to celebrate the Family Group’s rebirth – and, for many, a first sighting of it for many years.
Produced and directed by Sean Atkinson of Focus 7 Productions the film showcased Harold's life and work. The initial showing also had Harold in attendance along with some of his other artworks on display.
GCDCS intend to show this film again in the near future - keep the look-out for dates!