Grimsby Cleethorpes and district Civic Society's AGM is on May 12th at 7pm.
Nominations have been recieved for the following Executive Committee Members and Officers of the Society:
Paul Genney President
Alan Nicholson Chairperson
Graeme Bassett Treasurer
Susan Milsom Secretary
Jill Smith Membership secretary
Pete Milsom Programme Secretary
Angela Greenfield
Kerry Henderson
Roger Beard
Malcolm Morland
Marion Piggott
Seconders are invited from Ordinary members
Following on at 7.30pm is the Talk Medicinal Plants - medicines from your garden with Hannah Sylvester of The District herbalist.
Hannah is a Medical Herbalist, Nature Connection Guide, Nature Educator and Podcaster based in Lincolnshire.
With a deep understanding of medicinal plants she has a special interst in health problems such as those experienced by women, and musculoskeltal and skin health.